Friday 4 September 2015

Opening a gateway by research study. 研究留学を突破口にする


研究留学中に、英語力をアップさせ、またコネを構築したのでしょう。その際は、当然ですが研究も臨床も両方やっているような力のあるボスの下に留学することがいいでしょう。そうすれば、研究留学中にそのボスからの推薦もしくは直接の雇用約束によって、①のSpecialist Pathway Short-Term Trainingでの臨床医師登録が成功する可能性が高くなるでしょう。


In most cases, my Japanese colleagues who experienced the Australian clinical practice came to Australia initially for research study purpose and opened a gateway to the clinical practice.

During the period of research study, they would improve English ability and construct good people connections. Needless to say, bosses of research study are ideally powerful in both research and clinical fields. If so, you would be likely to get a job contract from the boss via the registration process of ① Specialist Pathway Short-Term Training.

Having said that, you need to take into account difficult aspects of coming to Australia for research study as there is no salary in most cases of it. Furthermore, if your research performance was not at sufficient level, your boss wouldn't give you a good reference for the pathway of clinical medicine. In fact, those Japanese doctors who succeeded in entering into clinical medicine from research study all made an great degree of effort to achieve high level of research outcomes.