Tuesday 23 June 2015


ここで、英語試験について書こうと思います。私たち日本人の医師のみならず英語を母国語としない外国人医師が、オーストラリアで医師登録を目指す場合は、必ず英語試験に合格していなければなりません。そしてこの英語試験が、実は日本人医師にとってはオーストラリアでの医師登録を目指すにあたって、もっとも大きく立ちはだかる壁と云っても過言ではないかもしれません。日本人医師にとっては、二種類の英語試験があり、どちらかに合格すればいいということになります。IELTS (International English Language Testing System)OET (Occupational English Test)です。IELTSはアカデミックな内容の一般英語試験ですが、OET医師、歯科医師、看護師、薬剤師、理学療法士など医療関係者向けの医学英語試験です。両者とも、リスニング、リーディング、ライティング、スピーキングの四つのモジュールから構成されています。IELTSの合格基準は四つのモジュールで全て7.0以上、OETの評価基準はAからE5段階評価で四つのモジュールで全てB以上の結果が必要です。どちらのテストも日本でも受験出来ますが、IELTSの方が世界中でより頻繁に試験が行われています。受験費用もIELTSの方がまだ安いです。詳しくは各ホームページをご覧ください。


Now, I will write about the English exam. Not only us Japanese doctors, but also all non-English-as-a-first-language overseas doctors who try to register to the Australian Medical Board must pass it. And it might be no exaggeration to say that this English exam is the highest hurdle for Japanese doctors to overcome in the process of the registration. For Japanese doctors, there are two types of English tests, IELTS or OET, and you just need to pass either one. IELTS is a test with academic English content, whereas OET is a health related English test for doctors, dentists, nurses, pharmacists, physiotherapists, etc.

By the way, which English test should be chosen? IELTS or OET? My personal impression towards IELTS is that the Writing module of it is extremely difficult. Within one hour, you need to write two essays. Time is too short. Furthermore, you need to write with required number of words, meaningful content, well organised structure, etc. Only if you write fairly perfect in the factors, you can finally reach to the score of 7.0. This is very high level. Therefore, it is fair to say that if you are not good at writing, IELTS won't be recommended to try. On the other hand, OET which is a medically or health oriented English test is much more accessible to health-related professionals. What is more is that OET's Writing module is easy. It requires that you just need to write a referral letter on one patient. This is no doubt far easier than the IELTS Writing module in that anyone can practice that format and reach to a certain level definitely. However, one thing is that OET's Listening module is relatively difficult. When I sat the exam in August 2009, it consists of two parts. The first half is about listening to a patient-and-doctor consultation scenario and finding answers from it. The latter half is about listening to a lecture of medically or health related theme and again finding answers from it.  Unlike the IELTS Listening module where you need to listen up a pinpoint word in the flow, OET's Listening is more like scribbling down words or phrases whatever seem relevant from what you can catch. This feature gives difficulty in which point you need to concentrate and leads you to miss catching answers. I think, level of Reading and Speaking modules between IELTS and OET is pretty much similar. To wrap up, although ultimately it is case-by-case, it might be wise to think that if you are confident in writing, try IELTS and if you are confident in listening, try OET. 

West End night market