注目の情報ですが、AMC Part2 Clinical Examを受けなくてもGeneral Registrationを獲得できる方法があります。Work Place Base Assessment; WBAといわれている方法です。WBAは臨床研修コースです。オーストラリアの中で指定されたいくつかの病院があるのですが、このうちどれかの病院でWBAを研修して良い成績を収めればいいのです。費用は$5500、期間は6ヶ月から8ヶ月というのが一般的で、期間内に24のアセスメント(試験ではありません)を消化すればgeneral registaration に申請することが出来ます。WBAの合格率は9割を超えるといわれています。
非常に難しいAMC Part2 Clinical Examに合格しなくてもいいわけですから、WBAは魅力的な選択肢です。ただし、WBAを行うためには、これを実施している病院に雇用されなければなりません。これらの病院で働いている医師のみが、このコースを受講できます。したがって、その病院でポジションを得られるかどうかが、カギになります。
Very interesting information here. There is a way to get the general registration without passing AMC Part2 Clinical Exam. It is called "Work Place Base Assessment (WBA)". WBA is a clinical training course. There are some designated hospitals and you just need to get passing mark in WBA in one of those hospitals. Cost is 5500 dollars. Duration is about 6-8 months. There are 24 assessments (not exams) and you go through them in the period of WBA. Then you will be entitled to apply for the general registration. Passing rate of WBA is more than 90%.
See details in the website.
As you don't need to pass the difficult AMC Part2 Clinical Exam, WBA is an attractive option. Nevertheless, you have to secure a position in a hospital where WBA is taken place. Only doctors who are in those hospitals can try WBA. Therefore, the key is whether or nor you are employed by one of those hospitals.
非常に難しいAMC Part2 Clinical Examに合格しなくてもいいわけですから、WBAは魅力的な選択肢です。ただし、WBAを行うためには、これを実施している病院に雇用されなければなりません。これらの病院で働いている医師のみが、このコースを受講できます。したがって、その病院でポジションを得られるかどうかが、カギになります。
Very interesting information here. There is a way to get the general registration without passing AMC Part2 Clinical Exam. It is called "Work Place Base Assessment (WBA)". WBA is a clinical training course. There are some designated hospitals and you just need to get passing mark in WBA in one of those hospitals. Cost is 5500 dollars. Duration is about 6-8 months. There are 24 assessments (not exams) and you go through them in the period of WBA. Then you will be entitled to apply for the general registration. Passing rate of WBA is more than 90%.
See details in the website.
As you don't need to pass the difficult AMC Part2 Clinical Exam, WBA is an attractive option. Nevertheless, you have to secure a position in a hospital where WBA is taken place. Only doctors who are in those hospitals can try WBA. Therefore, the key is whether or nor you are employed by one of those hospitals.