When I got the General Registration, I felt great relief. It was as if I reached to a goal. Also, truth be told, needing to go through the junior doctor's position, which I inevitably went through in Japan, again in Australia for the total of 3 years and 9 months exhausted me a lot. As mentioned before, once we get the General Registration, we can start doing locum jobs for which payment is much better. Therefore, I started them straightaway. And subsequently I quit the hospital job. The content of the locum job is to see patients in after hour time as a General Practitioner (GP) in clinic or by visiting homes of them. I was choosing a path to a GP for my career from that time onwards. Although I am a paediatric specialist in Japan, I had found that it was very difficult for foreign doctors to become paediatric specialists. Also, I had noticed that to get a specialist position in a hospital for an overseas doctor who had painstakingly obtained the specialist qualification in Australia was, again, difficult. As a matter of fact, in MMH NICU there were some Fellows who had already acquired the specialist qualification lining in a queue for the specialist position, as the number of the position was limited. Local Australian Fellows were not exceptions for this circumstance, therefore, it was not difficult to make an assumption that the list of the queue for a foreign Fellow was far down in the list and this circumstance was troublesome for them. Then, what about GP? Needless to say, the path to a specialist of GP is not easy. However, as GP is basically a home doctor, it seems that there is no too-strict limitation on the numbers of positions and there is a relatively flexible aspect on where to work and what time to work. In this sense, I feel the direction to become a GP doctor is fairly accessible for many foreign doctors. Also, to see paediatric patients, which is my vocation, accounting for the great extent of a GP role, gives a positive aspect to me. For this reason, I am doing GP. Already nearly one year has elapsed since starting GP jobs. My immediate next goal will be to get a fellowship of GP.
Brisbane's wild kangaroo in rain |